May & June Daddies Club overflow June 25th at 11am MT! 🖤 Use code YYCFREE for local pickup!


The Details

Who: You! Anyone can participate

What: A makealong!

When: April 1, 2022 - August 31, 2022

Where: Instagram for posting (I can never seem to keep track of Ravelry); we will use Discord for our group chat.

Why: Because it's fun! There will also be prizes!

Hashtag: #rmyctweedalong

Some Rules:

  • Using one of my Smutwood Peak bases (Fellowship of the Yarn pre-order is now closed) is preferred, but absolutely not required (see prizes).
  • You can knit any pattern (knit, crochet or tunisian crochet!), with any tweed yarn!!
  • Be friendly; no putting down others (this has not been an issue in the past, but I'd rather not leave it unsaid).
  • You must start your project on or after April 1st, and finish by the close of the MAL on June 30th.
  • Use the hashtag on a grid post to document your project(s)! This is how I’m tracking entries for the prizes.


  • If you use any of my Smutwood Peak yarn, you are eligible to win a $50 gift card to my shop! It does not expire so you can use it at your leisure on whatever you want!
  • A hank of yarn and some stitch markers from Sarah of @bigbeeco
  • A pattern from Elise of @frosiaknits
  • Are you a maker? Let me know if you'd like to contribute a prize!